
Tuesday, June 28, 2016


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Undoubtedly, it was a sad day today as former Tennessee women's basketball coach Pat Summitt passed away at the age of 64.  Summitt will forever be known as one of the greatest coaches of all-time, regardless of sport, gender, or generation.  Below are a few quotes from the great one, Pat Summitt, accumulated through the years through books from her:

--Winners are not born, they are self-made.

--Self-discipline is a matter of how hard you are willing to work when no one is watching. 

--Disciplined people finish the job. 

--A task has not been done properly until it has been done completely.  

--Here’s how I’m going to beat you:  I’m going to outwork you. 

--When you prepare to win, belief comes easily.  

--Somehow, you have to make a commitment to get better every day, no matter how successful you were the day before.
--Individual success is a myth.  We are all dependent on those around us. 

--You’re going to be the hero or the goat when the game’s on the line.  You’re going to stick your neck out.  Whether you succeed or fail, I’ll never criticize you for that. 

--Belief in yourself is what happens when you know you’ve done the things that entitle you to success. 

--Success is a project that’s always under construction. 

--We think too much about what we can’t do…think about what you CAN do.  

--Losing makes you examine yourself and what you need to do to succeed. 

--Personal ambitions and ambitions of the team are one and the same

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